historic image of the Capitol TheaterThe Capitol/Park Theater is located at 3015–3021 Washington Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin

Please help save Racine’s 1928 historic Capitol/Park Theater
Time is short: the City of Racine has a raze order on it

Update Dec. 4th, 2020

Two important things you can do to help now
(right from your home)

1. City of Racine ResidentsNow that the building has Landmark Status, please thank the aldermen that voted YES (below) and ask for their continued support to save this historical Capitol/Park Theater by pausing the raze order. Until now the city has only one option, to raze, but now there is a new option.

Give the citizens a chance to repair and restore it to a loved public venue.

Yes Votes: Alders Coe, Horton, Jung, Land, Levie, Meekma, Peete, Perez, Santiago, Taft, and Tate II.
You can find your alderman here: https://cityofracine.org/CityAlderman/

Please contact any City of Racine residents that you know and pass them this message.
Ask them to call or email their alderman, as above.

2. Everyone: The Board members have all made a monetary pledge – please join us with a pledge in any amount for immediate repairs. The building is stable but we need to work on the roof and exterior masonry ASAP. Costs for this first stage are estimated at $103,000. Your pledge will not come due until we have signed contracts for this work. Pledge here.

Pledges will help demonstrate to the
City that we can save this historic building

Share your thoughts, memories, hopes,
and Ideas: https://facebook.com/friendsofthecapitoltheater

Capitol Theater Restoration Committee
Affiliated with the West Racine Alliance (501-c-3 non-profit)